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Applying to a Canadian University after Studying at an International High School

Last updated: 2 October 2023 Study in Canada Study Tips

After studying at an international high school in Canada, the next big step that must be on your mind is getting into a Canadian university. With many of them among the top universities of the world, your focus is justifiably on the right track, as a degree from one of these universities will mean that you can pursue a successful career ahead in the field of your choice. 

Canadian universities offer degrees at the undergraduate level in multiple disciplines, and getting admission to the best universities is competitive. The acceptance rates at many renowned institutions are quite competitive, making it important for you to approach the application process carefully to get admission to your desired university and course.

To better understand the application process, entry requirements and scholarship opportunities at Canadian universities, register for free entry to the upcoming Canada University and College Fair in Toronto on 18th November 2023. Meet universities from across Canada one-on-one and have the questions which matter the most to you answered.

Get Into University After Studying at an International High School in Canada

11 steps to get into university after studying at an international high school

1. Research Canadian universities

You can begin your new academic journey by researching Canadian universities. Properly explore their programs, locations, reputations, and admission requirements, as each university has its unique offerings and admission criteria. It is best to take your time to find the one that aligns with your academic and personal goals before rushing to apply to any specific university. 

2. Choose your program

Once you've identified the potential universities, it's time to select a program or major that you want to pursue. This is a crucial step, as your time and energy may be wasted with the wrong course. Carefully consider your interests, strengths, and career aspirations in the long run. You must also ensure that your high school coursework aligns with the prerequisites for your chosen program, as certain programs need prerequisite courses to apply. Research the curriculum, faculty, and any distinctive features that set the course apart from other majors or universities to be fully sure of what you want to pursue. 

3. Language proficiency

If English is not your first language, many Canadian universities will require proof of English language proficiency. The same will apply to French if the course you want to pursue is in French and it is not your first language. You can demonstrate language proficiency through standardized tests in English like PTE or TOEFL, while for French, you will need to have scores of either TEF or TCF. Make sure you meet the specific language requirements of your chosen universities and programs before starting the application process. 

4. Standardized tests

Canadian universities are known for their high-quality education, which means their admission procedures are complex. Some institutions may ask for additional standardized tests like the SAT or ACT. These tests assess your readiness for university-level studies. Review the admission requirements for your selected universities to determine if these tests are necessary. 

5. Extracurricular activities

Canadian universities appreciate well-rounded students who have engaged in extracurricular activities. This showcases your interests, leadership abilities, and community involvement, which are highly appreciated in university admissions in Canada. You can join clubs, sports teams, volunteer initiatives, or student organizations to enhance your university application.

6. Letters of recommendation

Many universities require students to obtain strong letters of recommendation from their teachers or mentors who can speak to their academic abilities and character. You must have some impressive letters of recommendation from your mentors, as these can strengthen your application and significantly increase your chances of getting into your preferred university and course. 

7. Personal statement

To apply to a Canadian university, you must also craft a statement of purpose or personal statement. This is required in most university applications as the document enables the admission committee to gauge your interest and eligibility in the program. By writing a strong SOP, your application becomes stronger and better as it explains why you are a perfect fit for the course and the university. Remember to be authentic while crafting this document, properly highlight your motivations, and express your goals to make a strong statement. 

8. Apply online

When you have all the documents mentioned above ready, you must apply through the respective institution's online portal. Ensure that you provide all the details correctly and provide the documents. Pay close attention to application deadlines, as these can vary among universities. 

9. Financial planning

University education comes with costs in Canada, including tuition and living expenses. Even though the expenses are less for students already living in the country, it is not free of cost—research and plan for these expenses in advance to properly start your education on time. You can explore scholarship and financial aid options available at the university or through other sources, as these can significantly alleviate the financial burden.

10. Orientation and housing

Once you're accepted, consider attending orientation sessions offered by your university to become familiar with campus life and the available resources. You must also arrange for accommodation, whether on-campus or off-campus, in advance. If you wish to stay on campus, you must apply for it much earlier as fewer seats exist. 

11. Adapt and thrive

When you are finally at your dream university in Canada, start by embracing the new environment. University is a different place where you can make new friends from several countries and actively engage in the vibrant campus life. Seek academic support if needed through the dedicated departments at your university and take advantage of the many resources available, such as counseling services and career advising throughout your university years. 

Study in Canada

The upcoming SI-Canada Education Fair takes place in Toronto on November 18th, and free registration is now open to all international students.

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SI-Canada specializes in selecting the right Canadian university or college for international students by reviewing your academic background, discussing your career goals and helping you apply. Our application services can help you achieve your dream of studying in Canada.

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