Scholarships at Wilfrid Laurier University

所在地 Waterloo
創立 1911
有名な専攻分野 雇用者パートナーシップ
Competitive Scholarships
Scholarship Name Competitive Scholarships
Academic Year 2024

Competitive scholarships are granted based on a combination of academic achievement and participation in extracurricular activities such as volunteer work or involvement in campus sports or clubs. These scholarships are available to all students in any year of study.

Use the Student Awards Search Engine to explore opportunities and determine whether you're eligible based on the criteria for each award.

Instead of applying for specific awards, we have created the student profile(s) for Laurier students. By completing the profile(s), you are applying to all awards offered to Laurier students.

The online student profiles:

  • Open in late summer and close early fall each year.

  • Are open to all undergraduate and graduate students, including all full- and part-time students and international students. 

  • Helps us determine if you are eligible for a competitive scholarship, award or donor-supported bursary. 

  • Completing the financial statement section isn't mandatory, however many award opportunities have a "financial need" component.

Entrance Scholarships
In-Course Scholarships
President’s Gold Scholarship


SI-Canadaはお客様の学歴を確認し、キャリアの目標について話し合い、出願のサポートを行うことで、お客様にとって最適なカナダの大学を選定することを専門としています。 私たちの出願サービスは、カナダで勉強するという皆様の夢を叶えるためのお手伝いをいたします。


Amanpreet KaurInternational Business Management (May 2024 intake)
