Scholarships at Brock University

ランキング 31
所在地 St Catherines
創立 1964
有名な専攻分野 キャリア志向の学位
Brock Scholars Awards
Scholarship Name Brock Scholars Awards
Academic Year 2024
Scholarship amount Up to $13,600

Brock Scholars awards are open to incoming students from anywhere in the world. To qualify, you must be entering your first undergraduate program in the Fall term (no previous post-secondary experience).

Automatic scholarships for entering students

Admission average (final grades)*

Amount of award**

95.0% and above

$13,600 ($3,400 each year)

90.0% – 94.9%

$7,600 ($1,900 each year)

85.0% – 89.9%

$3,600 ($900 each year)

80.0% – 84.9%

$1,600 ($400 each year)


Determining the value of your Brock Scholars Award:

The Brock Scholars Award is offered on the basis of your admission average and is renewable. The minimum average to be eligible for this award is 80 per cent*. Brock calculates your admission average to the nearest 10th of a percent. We do not round averages up or down. This award is only applicable for the offer of admission with which it is enclosed.The final value of your award may increase or decrease if your final admission average changes. To remain eligible for the scholarship amount you have been offered, you must achieve the minimum final admission average for that scholarship range. If there is any change in the amount you will receive, you will be notified. If your final admission average is less than 80 per cent* you will no longer be eligible for a Brock Scholars award.

Final admission average:

In Ontario, a student’s final admission average is determined using the top six Grade 12U or 12M credits including prerequisites. If you complete a non-Ontario curriculum, the final admission average criteria will vary by curriculum, and will be determined by the Admissions Office. Courses taken in the summer following graduation will be used for scholarship revisions, but official transcripts will only be accepted until Oct. 31.

Scholarship disbursement:

Your scholarship will be applied directly to your tuition and/or residence fees. This will take place before classes begin in September, reducing the amount you owe to the University. Scholarships cannot be used for first instalments or down payments. **Students eligible for tuition waiver assistance will have the scholarship noted on thier transcript but are ineligible to receive the monetary value.

Dr. Jack Lightstone and Dr. Dorothy Markiewicz Entrance Scholarship
Edgar and Irmgard Penner Scholarship
Emerging Market Entrance Awards
Fidelis Kambilige Memorial Scholarship in Political Science
Goodman Entrance Scholarship
Gordon R.Finlay Scholarship
International Bridging Scholar Award
International Curriculum Awards
International Education Fund
The Caribbean International Scholarship
Thompson-Harrison Scholarship
Tomlinson Entrance Scholarship for Excellence in Mathematics and Science
Vandenhoff Glassblowing Graduate Entrance Scholarship in Chemistry


SI-Canadaはお客様の学歴を確認し、キャリアの目標について話し合い、出願のサポートを行うことで、お客様にとって最適なカナダの大学を選定することを専門としています。 私たちの出願サービスは、カナダで勉強するという皆様の夢を叶えるためのお手伝いをいたします。


Amanpreet KaurInternational Business Management (May 2024 intake)
