Philosophy Degree

Canadian Philosophy Courses

Introduction to Philosophy

Philosophy degrees at Canadian universities are taught by internationally respected academics and researchers who will engage with your ideas, thoughts and beliefs.

Philosophy teaches us how to think and react to the world around us, asking questions of the universe and our place in it. International students who wish to study a philosophy degree in Canada will be introduced to the principles of ethics, logic and reasoning, developing critical and analytical thinking, studying modules such as metaphysical philosophy, mind, language and representation and meta-ethic.

Philosophy Careers

Popular career avenues for Philosophy graduates include social work, consultancy, journalism, charities, teaching, finance, marketing and PR, civil services and the law. Philosophy graduates are highly skilled in understanding complex information, writing clearly and effectively and critically assessing different points of view, improving their employability prospects.

Philosophy Entry Requirements

Please note that entry requirements vary for each Canadian university.

Where can I study Philosophy in Canada?

To learn more about the best Philosophy courses in Canada, find details on the top five ranking Philosophy universities in the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2022 below:

  1. University of Toronto
  2. McGill University
  3. York University
  4. University of British Columbia
  5. University of Calgary

Study Philosophy in Canada

If you are interested in studying Philosophy in Canada, arrange your free consultation today.


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Amanpreet Kaur International Business Management (May 2024 intake)
