Scholarships at St Lawrence College

所在地 Kingston
創立 1967
有名な専攻分野 One-year Certificate Programs
Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship
Scholarship Name Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship
Academic Year 2024
Scholarship amount Upto $1,000
Nationality Any
Scholarship Deadline 1 August 2024

To help alleviate the financial pressure the International Department of St. Lawrence College is happy to offer four types of merit-based scholarships to future and current international students.


  • International student

  • Has been accepted into an academic program at St. Lawrence College but has not started the program


Up to $1,000 CAD applied to the recipient's student account and redeemable towards the 2nd semester's tuition fees. Please note that all SLC scholarships are non-refundable and non-transferable


  • Fall program start date: August 1

  • Winter program start date: December 1

  • Spring program start date: May 1

Canadian Experience Scholarship
IEOP/IEOC Academic Achievement Scholarship
SLC Loyalty Scholarship


SI-Canadaはお客様の学歴を確認し、キャリアの目標について話し合い、出願のサポートを行うことで、お客様にとって最適なカナダの大学を選定することを専門としています。 私たちの出願サービスは、カナダで勉強するという皆様の夢を叶えるためのお手伝いをいたします。


Amanpreet KaurInternational Business Management (May 2024 intake)
